Sally Caves scripsit:
> there is the abhominable, and unforgiveable lie/lay mistake
"Abhominable"? "Abominable" < "ab omine", the ablative of "omen".
> My scientist friend can't tell the difference between
> the quality in writing between this book and Eco's. I teach creative
> writing, and yet I can't explain to him over dinner what feels like literary
> writing and what feels like genre writing, and what the cues are that make
> for "hack" writing.
Can he explain quantum mechanics over dinner, or why a particular research
idea is promising whereas another is obviously going to lead nowhere?
Probably not. Your kind of science (< "scientia") is just as subtle as his.
Values of beeta will give rise to dom! John Cowan
(5th/6th edition 'mv' said this if you tried
to rename '.' or '..' entries; see