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Re: Vocab exercise, year 2, #1

From:Christian Thalmann <cinga@...>
Date:Friday, October 18, 2002, 22:37
--- In conlang@y..., Aidan Grey <grey@F...> wrote:

 > I will try to account for
 > obvious multiple meanings, and also make an effort to provide sentences
 > that reflect normal or newspaper speech, and not weird exercise language
 > (if you understand what I'm getting at).

Right...  that's why you mention say-something hats.  ;-)

In Obrenje:

 > 1. crowd

|Punnaja| n. /pMn"sa:ja/ "crowd", from |punce| "many" and |-(n)aja|
"group, team, society"

 > There was a huge crowd in front of the building.

|Uq punnaja ojme dzha gune.|
/MN pMn"na:ja "Ojm dZa "gu:n/
be:PST:LIQ:3e  crowd  great  before  building:d

 > 2. lead

|Nagwa-| v. "to lead, guide"
|Bombyre| n. /bOm"by:r/ "lead (the metal)"

 > She led her dog into the field.

|Nagwu i nim warve ki tseme.|
/"nagwM i nim "warv@ ki "tSe:m/
lead:PST:3e  OBJ  POS:RFL  dog  to  field:d

 > Her dog was on a lead.

|Mu jem warve laq myz.|
/mM jEm "warv@ laN myz/
be:PST:3e  POS:3a  dog  COM  rope

(Does "lead" also mean "leash"?  Didn't know that... anyway, the use
of the comitative preposition is idiomatic here, though maybe it
should be described as a euphemism rather than an idiom -- which dog
perceives its leash as "company"?)

 > The pipes are made of lead.

|Mo aroloe u bombyre.|
/mO arO"lo: M bOm"by:r/
be:3e  pipe:d  PRE  lead

(A very simple construction that doesn't cause much ambiguity:  "The
pipes are lead.")

 > 3. ready

|Njosh| /njOS/ "ready, prepared"

 > He's ready to go now.

|Njosh ona tize.|
/njOS "o:na ti:Z/
ready  be:LIQ:3i  now

 > 4. slow

|Blare| /bla:r/ "slow; inert"

 > Snails are slow.

|Blare mo ny gatsi.|
/bla:r mO ny "gatSi/
slow  be:3e  CAT  snail

(A classical use of the categorical quantifier.)

 > He runs slowly, and I bet he won't win the race.

|Jubona naw blare, a qes tash mojen endaj.|
/jM"bo:na naw bla:r a NEs taS mO"jEn @n"daj/
run:LIQ:3i  in_a_way  slow  and  methinks  not  race:d  win:FUT:3i

(|Qes| "methinks, IMHO" is an adverb, not a verb form.)

 > 5. rent

|Puqe gun| /pu:N gMn/ "house money"

 > I have to pay rent on the 5th of every month.

|Gun puqae toxze ro ny demlan breme nacej densur.|
/gMm pM"Na: "tOZZ@ rO ny d@m"lam bre:m na"sej d@n"sMr/
house  pay:GND  must:1  in  CAT  day  five:d  each  month

 > 6. popularity

|Naqsa| /"naNsa/ "likedness"

 > This was just a popularity contest.

|Cenow mojne naqsa woc.|
/snow mOjn "naNsa wOx/
only  contest  likedness  be:PST:0

 > 7. -ion
 > two parts here: first, how are verbal nouns formed?
 >    act > action, move > motion, see > vision.

Gerunds.  Append |-a| to consonantic verb stems and |-e| to vocalic
ones: |pow-| "give" --> |powa| /"po:wa/ "giving"; |pova-| "to donate"
--> |povae| /pO"va:/ "donating, donation".

 >    His action was hasty.

|Jummanje mu jem caja.|
/jMm"manj@ mU j@N "ha:ja/
hasty  be:PST:3e  POS:3a  do:GND

 > 8. addition

|Trovae| /trO"va:/ "adding"  (The verb |trova-| is related to |tra|
"more" and |pow-| "give".)

 > Even the addition of an extra student increased class sizes beyond
 > tolerable limits.

|Mot ow cenje kitsaj trovae i kormonja kitsaja ki dri urefwel sipse.|
/mOt ow "sEnj@ kit"saj trO"va: i kOr"mOnja kit"sa:ja ki dri Mr@"fwEl
move:PST:3e  indeed  single  student  addition  OBJ  numerical_size
class to after threshold livable

(Phew.  Tough one.)

 > 9. hat

|Lug| /lMg/ "hat"

 > Today is a say-something hat day!

|Demlan ur lug zinsea moc ozae.|
/d@m"lan Mr lMg Zin"Se:a mOx O"za:/
day  of  hat  declaration  be:0  today

 > 10. pack

|Tummo| /"tMmmO/ "bag, backpack" (Thing-derivation of |tum-| "carry"
from |tum| "back".)

 > I need to pack for my trip.

|Tummo chema toxze bla nim jora.|
/"tMmmO "he:ma "tOZZ@ bla zim "jo:ra/
pack  make:GND  must:1  for  POS:RFL  travel:GND

 > The pack she wore on the trip was way too heavy.

|Gwaj bom mu tummoe bi tumu ro jorae.|
/gwaj bOm mU tUm"mo: bi "tu:mM rO jO"ra:/
too  heavy  be:PST:3e  pack:d  RFL:OBJ  carry:PST:3i  in  travel:GND:d

Phew!  Thanx for the exercise.  It wasn't all that easy.  I might do
it for Jovian some other day.

-- Christian Thalmann