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narethanaal (or 'the ramblings of a deranged linguistics

From:Kala Tunu <kalatunu@...>
Date:Thursday, December 13, 2001, 16:49
From:    Roger Mills <romilly@...>

Henrik Theiling wrote:
>I had this problem in Tyl-Sjok, too. It now has to
negative markers.
>One for the negative, one for the opposite. The negative
is used by
>default, the opposite only when the situation allows it, or
to make
Similar to Kash: ta ~ tak 'not', tar- ~tra- 'un-' etitring yu ta powumit 'that little hammer is not useful (for a given task)' ........trapowumit 'useless' (perhaps the handle is broken) muko 'bad', tramuko 'not bad, sort of acceptable, so-so' kalar 'pregnant (of hum.)', trakalat 'to abort' (to "un-pregnant"?)
>You can play with this, e.g. `John is not eating.' with the
>marker. :-) (Maybe I'll put a new idiom into the
lexicon...) Indeed. Though tra/nahan would probably mean 'to fast'. """""""""""""""""""""""""""" same in Tunu: kela = no, not duplication of the first syllable = opposite or reverse tiki = high kela tiki = not high titiki = low culo = open kela culo = not open cuculo = closed (baicuculo = to close oneself--to be closed ; taicuculo = to close something up) tumu = eat kela tumu = not eat tutumu = throw up bano kela tumu = fast ("keep not eat") but this looks very standard to many conlangs. even Esperanto has that. Mathias


Muke Tever <alrivera@...>Negatives (Trentish, with adjective notes too) (was: Re: narethanaal)