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Re: Constructed vertical writing systems?

From:Danny Wier <dawier@...>
Date:Tuesday, April 22, 2003, 17:32
From: <tk1@...>

> I am interested in vertical writing systems. So far the only such writing > systems I know of are classical Chinese (and derivates e.g. Khitan),
> Tolkien's Sarati, and Aniese (by iisem). Are there any other vertical > writing systems around? If so, where can I find information on them?
Welcome, and I remember a few others, all natlangs: Phags-Pa: an older Mongolian script, based on Devanagari-Tibetan rather than Aramaic-Uighur Egyptian (hieroglyphic): can be found written vertically in some inscriptions, but is "normally" horizontal Amazigh (Berber): traditionally written top to bottom as well as right to left Hangul (Korean): traditionally top to bottom (and right to left columnwise), like Chinese; modern left-to-right usage increasing Uighur (pre-Islamic): ancestor of Mongolian and Manchu, direct descendant of Aramaic-Syriac -- basically a page of Aramaic turned 90 degrees anticlockwise. I wish they'd hurry up and incorporate Mongolian into Windows/MS Word etc.


Tristan McLeay <kesuari@...>