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Re: Brithenig et al. Universe (was: Brithenig/Aelyan North America)

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Friday, April 7, 2000, 23:58
> Sounds cool to me! I'd love to have a universe where all of our >conlangs >can have a place. For example, Tokana could fit in fine as part of the >Homelands, located somewhere equivalent to *here's* washington. It would >also >help explain various conlang borrowings, wouldn't it!! ;) > So, yeah, put those Judean Romance speakers down there in the >mediterranean (unless it's spoken for...)! > Aidan
I was wondering the same thing, but it seems as if not all conlangs, even ones set on earth can fit :). But I was wondering about mine. The Saalangals live out in the Indian ocean somewhere near Indonesia. It looks Austronesian but really isnt (i've made them a language of their own that looks and feels similar to languages in the area but really isn't).. Anyway, I was wondering, did the powers in the British Isles in the Brithenig Universise conquer/colonize India? And, what about all the other nations in South East Asia that were colonized by other European powers, were they colonized, or left alone? (I know, those questions are probably not answered yet, but I thought I'd ask). ________________________________________________ Did you realize no one can see inside your view...