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Re: Brithenig et al. Universe (was: Brithenig/Aelyan North America)

From:Matt Pearson <jmpearson@...>
Date:Friday, April 7, 2000, 20:16
> Sounds cool to me! I'd love to have a universe where all of our conlangs >can have a place. For example, Tokana could fit in fine as part of the >Homelands, located somewhere equivalent to *here's* washington. It would also >help explain various conlang borrowings, wouldn't it!! ;)
Sorry, guys, but I prefer to play in my own sandbox. The Tokana timeline, as I imagine it, is just too different from *here* to accomodate anything as familiar as Brithenig culture, or even Aelyar culture. What I have in mind is a world which is biologically, geologically, etc. identical to our own (or nearly so, anyway), but which witnessed very different kinds of population movements, etc., and so developed a cultural history completely distinct from ours. Not only do the Tokana not resemble the indigenous inhabitants of *our* Washington state (except in certain areas of cultural convergence due to shared environment), but it's not clear that they're even genetically related to the people who occupied Washington state *here*. Matt.