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Re: 1. YAESR

From:Tim May <butsuri@...>
Date:Monday, April 18, 2005, 22:50
Joe wrote at 2005-04-18 23:00:05 (+0100)

 > Well, Welsh and English have a pleasantly similar phonology, with the
 > odd exception (Welsh doesn't have [tS] or [dZ], or [z], English doesn't
 > have [K] or [r_h], or [x] natively). I spelt [tS] and [dZ] as well as I
 > could, within the Welsh orthography (I didn't make it up, of course.
 > See Welsh 'jwg'(jug) and 'garej'(garage), as well as 'Tsieina'(China)).
 > I had some trouble with final [tS], however.  'Tsh' seemed the best I
 > could do, in the circumstances. And <z> is a letter so alien to Welsh
 > that I decided to avoid it. (It's almost non-phonemic in English
 > anyway).

How is /z/ almost non-phonemic in Engish?  There are hundreds of
minimal pairs in RP.

I like the scheme, though.

(You pronounce "one" [wQn]?)


Joe <joe@...>