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Re: R: Italogallic in Zera, and other languages.

From:andrew <hobbit@...>
Date:Sunday, April 23, 2000, 2:55
Am 04/22 17:31  Mangiat yscrifef:

> Some stupid Northern indipendentists (have you ever heard speaking about > Bossi? He's our Haider, and he's just won the regional elections with those > hells of Liberal - Neo Fascist parties) have called Northern Italy Padania. > I'd rather call Northern Italy Lombardia, since the word is from > 'Longobardia' and the Longobards conquerred, around the 7th century, if I am > right, a great part of Northern Italy, so this name could be OK. Southern > Italy has always had the name 'Regno delle Due Sicilie' (Kingdom of the Two > Sicilies = real Sicily + Southern Italy). >
Aren't there sort of poetic names for north and south Italy: Mezzogiorno for south Italy, like Midi for south France; and Setto-something for for north Italy, referring to the seven stars of Ursa Minor. I looked in the Chambers Atlas of World History and northern Italy in the past, when it has been united has been things like the Kingdom of Italy, the Kingdam of Sardinia, or the Cisalpine Republic. The south I think should stick to being called the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies in Zera.
> > Anyway, HAPPY EASTER TO YOU ALL (at least to Catholics and Protestants - > obviously I'm not against Orthodoxes and Jews, but, AFAIK, they'll celebrate > Easter later, am I right, Irina and Steg?) >
In church today the word I translated the greeting Crist es syrreith! Crist es syrreith gwerdad! Aleluia! in my head. A Four Questions translation exercise for Pesach could be interesting. Then I spent a large part of the service meditating on reviving my embryonic goblin language as a Vulgar Latin creole - sigh. - andrew. -- Andrew Smith, Intheologus