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Re: CHAT: Genetics: was: CHAT: minimum phonemes, was vrindo

From:From Http://Members.Aol.Com/Lassailly/Tunuframe.Html <lassailly@...>
Date:Friday, June 25, 1999, 19:48
Dans un courrier dat=E9 du 24/06/99 13:10:52  , Boudewijn a =E9crit :

> I think it is rather dangerous to try and link genetic descent > and linguistic descent - the two don't have anything to do with > each other. While linguistic ability is 'in the genes', as the > phrase goes, the language itself is not. Linking the genetic > affilations of an ethnic group with the linguistic affiliation > of that group is a lot like the discredited practice in Indo-European > archeology of linking a certain kind of pottery to a certain > linguistic subgrouping.
i know little of korean language, but the little i've learned shows jap and=20 korean are very close (amazingly close imho). then you may want to compare=20 the jap 5th and 6th century-tumbs with other mounds in korea. i don't want t= o=20 back korean claims about all that (a korean friend told me that "nara" means=20 "our land" in old korean (?), and that the legend goes that koreans settled=20 in the plain of nara), but i mean : come on. even recent jap articles claim=20 that the yamato conquest and the emishi retreat to the north were so slow (a=20 thousand years' span) that a bit more help from jap scholars themselves woul= d=20 clear up the whole thing and show that jap language owes to both. what is=20 unique in japanese is not their origin, but the way they distorted them. and=20 though i must say that the current trend for emishi curios in japan may=20 result in unbiased conclusions. mathias