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Re: Hello? It's working?

From:Vasiliy Chernov <bc_@...>
Date:Tuesday, December 4, 2001, 18:08
On Mon, 3 Dec 2001 22:00:21 -0800, Christopher B Wright <faceloran@...>

>My name is Christopher Wright.
>I'm fifteen and have been interested in >conlangs for about two years so far. I've been lurking for a few weeks, >trying to post (thanks, Yoon Ha Lee, for helping me), and I have to say >that (humor) you're the craziest group of people that I've ever seen >since I left the institution(/humor).
No. Everybody has passed our local Sanity Test. You're going to have it, too. Non-conlangers usually can't ;) [...]
>My first successful language is Sturnan. It's based on Indo-European and >is largely isolating. I chose a moderately restrictive syllabic style. >I'm also working on Runda, an even more restrictive inflectional language >with a small alphabet (13 consonants, 6 vowels; Sturnan has 16 and 7 >respectively). I make words by translating the Bible and the works of >Shakespeare. > >"Esei fus naisei; lar esag a paka, ivus huri a kiras esag vamete nolnei a >eifkod ak isud eiko thuna len pertin, fus weltei hasnai henti mora penil, >ak tuldhei suvei len a kata. >Murtei, sevnei; naimeivas; ak molei sol inas tuldhin had sevna a kirapona >ak a gelos therom henisi eiko matones dhitemil; esag laisen sur tral >biselesa. >Murtei, sevnei; sevnei; ven tusei; sel, alin esag a vula len a merte; di >len fo sevna murtail dina tusai fan heldei klein inas punsis fe keru >sunadh deunoth unsa huri inas; alin esag a hendis sol deunan apeno eiko >makir, feilom veila."
I guess, Sturnan uses some inflexion, though. _-ei_ = infinitive, and some cases in nouns? Basilius - - - -