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Re: The starling's song: Valdyan -> Jarrda

From:Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Date:Wednesday, June 30, 1999, 3:12
On Mon, 28 Jun 1999 23:15:06 -0700, Sally Caves <scaves@...>

>Very lovely, Herman. I hope you won't mind reminding me how you >made them so economically. MP3 seems to be the sound software >of choice, but I thought you had recommended RealProducer. Did >you? > >How did you get the echo? > >Sally
I still use an old version of the software, which was called RealAudio Encoder. I'm assuming that RealProducer is roughly similar. I use the compression that is described as "RealAudio 3.0 - ISDN Mono", which has a frequency response of 11 kHz (more or less equivalent to a 22 kHz sample rate) and a bit rate of 40Kbps (which translates to about 300K per minute of audio). The echo was added with Cool Edit. I tried a combination of echo chamber and reverb effects until I found one that sounded good; I don't remember the exact settings. (The real reason for the echo is to hide the annoying imperfections in my singing voice!) -- languages of Kolagia---> = +---<>--- Thryomanes /"If all Printers were determin'd not to print = any (Herman Miller) / thing till they were sure it would offend no = body, moc.oi @ rellimh <-/ there would be very little printed." -Ben = Franklin