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Re: Lord's Prayer in Enaselvai

From:Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>
Date:Friday, February 20, 2004, 20:28
Quoting Jonathan Lipps <conlang@...>:

> Philippe, > > Yeah, I think my most blatant Greek rip-off was my verb "aged", from similar > "ago". I haven't studied any Gold Coast languages, though, so that part must > just be a coincidence! > > Actually, there is only one case marking in Enaselvai, and that is "-to", > which signifies definiteness, whereas its absence signifies indefiniteness. > (In fact, since the system is so weak we might not even want to call it a > case system)
That doesn't sound like anything you'd normally consider a case system. The suffixed definite articles of Romanian and the Scandinavian languages are not considered case endings. Andreas


Jonathan Lipps <conlang@...>