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Re: Universe names, was Re: Kalieda climate

From:Padraic Brown <agricola@...>
Date:Thursday, February 7, 2002, 1:35
Am 06.02.02, Michael Poxon yscrifef:

> Padraic, do you mean astronomers or astrologers, or is this a "coniversion?"
They don't have "astronomers" as we know them! On the other hand, they don't have astrologers as we know them either (scab sheet hucksters and 900 lines, etc.). An astrologer from the World is someone learned in the physical motions of the wandering stars, the movement of the bowl upon which are the fixed stars and the relations of the subtle movements of Earth with respect to Sky; as well as the portents to be understood in the waxing and waning of the Moons, the rise and fall of comets, the cycles of Sun spots, chasms and other heavenly phenomena. Like alchemy, it is an amalgamation of hard science and philosophy; especially in the West - in the East, the emphasis is on the more physical science and mathematics of your more familiar astronomy.
> It's just that the former (of which I'm one) don't like being confused with > the latter ;-))
*Here*, I can certainly empathise! *There*, the distinction between science and philosophy was never made.
> -'coz if they're studying the physical universe they're definitely > astronomers!
As I said, they study both. And anyway, the physical and spiritual worlds are simply two arms on the same being. ;) As an astronomer, you might be interested in this astronomical (astrological) chapter from a book written in this coniverse (obconlang: there are conlang names for the Zodiac and other astronomical features in there): ***** The HEAVENS The philosopher Alexander of Circasia taught that the study of history or natural history ought to begin with the broadest concepts and end with the minutia. Thus, this Treatise will begin with a chapter on the whole of the Heavens, wherein will be discussed the several aspects of the supraterrestrial shpere: the Cosmos; the Heavenly Bodies; Heavenly Phenomena; the Sun and the Earth; and the Ages of the Earth. The Cosmos. The Heavens be a great bowl in space that contain all the substance of the universe and in which exist the Sun, the Earth, the Moons of the Earth and the other heavenly bodies: the moveable and fixed Stars, the Comets and the meteors. At the center of this sphere of the Heavens rests the Sun, which be a great fiery ball that radiates light and warmth to the whole of the cosmos. Around the Sun revolve the seven planets and the sphere of the fixed Stars; and also the Comets. The planets revolve around the Sun at different rates or velocities; and each is composed of different substances. The substance of the Sun is that of pure Fire: for she burns mercilessly, and no substance of Earth can withstand her intense heat without burning away into nothing. The substance of the planets is mixt: being well proportioned in all the elements and substances. Within each of the seven planets there be a great heart of Fire, which causes it to move and which generates a part of its warmth. The middle parts of the Earth, that is, the planet we inhabit, are made of Water and Earth, which be the oceans and seas and also the lands of the World. Above all be the bowl of the Sky, which contains the vapours of the clouds and the air all living things breathe. The Sun whose light gives us our Day, is hidden from sight during the night for the sphere of the Earth lies between the Sun and our vision; and it be during our Night that the lands upon the other side of the Earth have their Day. The Heavenly Bodies. Within the sphere of the fixed Stars, there be twelve houses of Stars known as Constellations; and these be the zodiack. The Sun rises in each of these houses over time, making steady progress through the whole zodiack. The Sun be the greatest of the Stars, for she is mighty and casts forth a great light and much heat. She rules the seasons and controls the renewal of the year; she dispells darkness and overpowers the Stars. There be many stars beside those of the zodiack; and they be as uncountable as the sands of the shore. The seven movable stars, or planets, move in great circular orbits around the Sun as does the Earth. The planet called Saturn be the most distant from the Sun and he makes his circuit in about thirty years. The next closest planet hight Juppiter, and he makes his circuit in twelve years. Next be Mars, which be a fiery red planet, for he has in him the spirits of fire and war, and he makes his course in two years. Venus, also called Lucifer, for according to Pythagoras, he be called Evenstar when he sets after the Sun and Morningstar when he rises before the Sun, Mercury, also called Apollo, and Vulcan be the three planets nearest to the Sun, and their courses take less than one year, so swift and energetic are they. So bright and reflective is Lucifer that he be the only movable star that may cast a shadow with his own rays of light. The Moons of Earth be the largest planets, apart from the Earth herself, and they orbit the Earth as the Earth orbits the Sun. It is plain that the Moons are spheres, as are all the other planets; the greater Moon be nearly a twin sister to Earth, for she has lands and seas and clouds of air as does our planet; while the lesser Moon be a great shiny ball which be very bright and white, though he has no features. The greater Moon may eclipse the Sun according to Salppo for it passes between the Sun and the Earth, and she casts her shadow upon the Earth; and likewise, the Earth may eclipse either Moon; but the lesser Moon can not fully eclipse the Sun, for he be too small to fully obscure the Sun. Poseidon, the Pretorian mathematician and astrologer who invented the optical device called telespeculon which allows astrologers to examine the surfaces of the planets, seeing them greatly enhanced, has measured the orbits of the Moons and also of the Earth: the greater Moon orbits the Earth at a distance of 250.495 miles and the lesser Moon at a distance of 543.126 miles; while the Earth orbits the Sun at a distance of 4.759.406 miles. He has also measured the height at which the clouds move above the Earth, ranging between 52 and 104 stadia. The other heavenly bodies are the Comets and the Meteors. Comets be stars that make their course through the heavens between the sphere of the fixed Stars and the Sun; which is known to be the case for they often pass very close to Earth. Comets have very long tails of vapour streaming behind them, and reflect much light from the Sun as they approach, appearing brighter and brighter. As they fly ever further from the Sun, having made their orbit, they lose their intensity, and soon may not be seen even with a telespeculon. Meteors be a kind of Comet, but they remain invisible until they enter and mix with the air of our atmosphere. When a Meteor so mixes with our air, its internal fire is excited and it becomes engulfed by ardent flame, which be visible for many miles. When a Meteor strikes the Earth, it blasts a crater in the dirt and at the heart of this crater may be found the still hot meteor. Meteors be of two kindreds: the metal and the earthy meteors. Metal Meteors are made of the Skystone, which be hard and makes good tools like the wotaz, yet be as rare as the imitrill, though not as valuable. Earthen Meteors are said to explode into minute specks upon striking the earth of a place, for they disappear entirely unlike the metal meteors. Meteors are only visible in the sky once they have mixed with the air, and fall within a few moments, unlike the Comets, which be visible for long time. According to Poseidon, some Comets return at regular intervals, in like manner to the regular orbits of the moveable Stars; yet Meteors come once to Earth and are gone. It seems most likely that Meteors be very small Moonlets that orbit the Earth and occasionally fall from the sky. Many of these stones that fall from the sky are worshipped or venerated by people: at Abydus and in Sabaea in the Uttermost West great skystones be so worshipped; and as well in Su by the Sianadaine who believe their gods send such stones to be used as altars. It be curious also that the Romans of the West, as well as other westerners, study these heavenly phenomena as portents of doom or blessing, rather than study them as elements of the Cosmos. They write many books and their histories be full of this or that astrologer who predicted a comet for a general, saying it will be his doom, and he then sends all his legions and armies into battle and they are defeated because they know their general is doomed. They be also known to study the more reliable science of reading portents in the Earth herself or in the beasts that roam her woods or fly the air or swim the waters; the skills and intuitions of which our wise have also learned and honed finely: for what better to enlighten the future of earthlings than a thing of Earth and not a thing of the heavens! Heavenly Phenomena. In Hyperborea, there be a strange phenomenon of the heavens called a chasm; which be a great gash in the sky the colour of blood. The light of the chasm shines very brightly, and may at times be seen in our latitudes. Like the chasm, but more muted a thing be the rainbow. This phenomenon only occurs in the daytime, while the chasm is most brightly lit at night, and is caused by the rays of sunlight reflecting within the clouds. Lightning be also a phenomenon of the heavens. A lightning bolt be a great ray of light and be very hot, for it burns whatever it touches upon the Earth. The stroke of a lightning bolt which courses from the clouds in the sky to the ground is seen a little before the sound of the thunderclap is heard. This is because the light of it travels much faster than the sound. Lightning never strikes the laurel tree, or so it is said, and for this reason many people wear a laurel sprig in the stormy seasons in order to avoid being struck by a lightning bolt. The Sun and the Earth. The Earth revolves around the Sun, which is what causes the Sun to rise in the morning and set in the evening. The light of the Sun shines directly toward the Earth, for they be in the plane of the Cosmos; thus any man who stands on a point of the Earth that bisects this Cosmick plane must look directly overhead if he would watch the Sun in her daily voyage across the sky. A man that stands to the north of this Cosmick plane, which be called the Equinoctical Line, must look a little to the south in order to follow the Suns course; and the farther north he travel, the further south the Sun appears to travel. This is because the northern latitudes lie above the Equinoctical Line. It may be supposed as well that any man that travels south of the Cosmick plane must even turn more and more to the north to watch the Suns course; though no one has ever done so, except the Carthaginian explorer Hanno who, in the sixth century before the present age, while attempting the circumnavigation of Nubia, noted that, at the Horn of the South, the Sun rose in the east, but voyaged across the sky in a northerly direction. The Ages of the Earth. Time may be reckoned in a number of ways: we commonly use the divisions found on clocks to mark our days into twenty four hours each having sixty minutes. It is common to call nine days a nineden and seven days are a week; two fortnights, or four weeks make a month; six fortnights or three months make a season, and four seasons or twelve months make a twelvemath, or year. Beyond this, most people care little, for the years repeat one after the other into eternity. Yet many folk have devised longer periods of measuring time on Earth. Commonly noted are the decade, which be a ten year; the century, which be a hundred year; the millennium, which be a thousand year; and the myriade, which be a ten thousand year. Such measures are in common use by historiographers, especially the decade and century, as convenient measures of time; but they are arbitrary and not connected to any heavenly or earthly cycle. In fact, there be some measures of time that were devised in ancient days and are yet in common use, and they find their root in the great cycles of Earth and the Heavens. Manander of Melita was the first to observe the Sun through the telespeculon, and was able to detect what he called "freckles" or "spots" which pass across the face of the Sun in varying amounts at different times, but which reach a great number every ten and three-quarters years, with a corresponding paucity at times in between. Thereafter, he devised a calendar, the Calendricon Flumentis Cloacaii Historiaii which dates the principal moments of history to these cycles of altering solar freckles, or Appolonian Months as they are usually termed. Hipparchus of Nicaea explained the long ages of time used by the Elves after discovering the Tertiary Motion of the Earth, which be the precession of the globe around an imaginary cone originating at the Earths center, the base of which be a circle described in space around the Earth. This precession is responsible for the apparent shift in Pole Stars over the years - for as time has passed, seafaring nations have learnt that north be in the region of a certain star, and that this pole star be not the same from age to age - and for the discrepancies noted in ancient astrological observations. Thus, the equinoxes are found to precess through each house of the zodiac over a period of 2100 years, which hight a zodiacal era; twelve such eras, when the equinox has precessed through all twelve houses of the zodiac, make a Hipparchian age, which be 25.200 years. Forty such ages make what the Elves call an Age of Stars, or 1.008.000 years. The Elves account for eight such Ages of Stars, though believe the Earth to have been created as many as twenty Ages previous. The Ages of Stars the Elves name not, but names were later given them: Marax, Uzara, Fanam, Azrael, Marakan, Pashto, Starram, Xora and Calior. These are said to be the names of the spirits that watch over each Age and may at times visit the world or else send messengers or wardens over the world. The Hipparchian ages are given names of plants, animals and weather phenomena. The original names are no longer kenned of the Wise, or if the Elves in sooth even gave names to the ages, though Hipparchus records the names of the forty ages in the Common tongue of the West: pwerncas, lufur, sedura, camfur, pineton, lefur, tontas, tumulas, menta, canas, grannon, montar, caspas, wulpas, nicar, flumin, acarnon, perwas, jephurullas, riwullas, qamellas, isqiurellas, fluwias, wallas, fercas, murrullas, fulgur, nemur, laricas, draccon, furican, fagas, leon, furisniwas, balanellon, wermiqullon, paliqon, aballon, musqajiftas, and nimbullas; which Plodios renders into our tongue as: oak, wolf, calm, plains, pine, hare, thunder, hills, mint, hound, hail, mountains, grass, fox, snow, rivers, maple, deer, breeze, streams, reed, squirrel, rain, vales, birch, mouse, lightning, forests, larch, dragon, whirlwind, beech, lion, blizzard, corn, worm, dew, apple, dragonfly and cloud. The names of the twelve zodiacal eras are: arias, pesqas, apwarias, qafrencqurnur, sajittarias, iscorpion, libras, wirjin, leon, qanqar, jininar, and torras; which Plodios gives as: ram, fish, water bearer, horned goat, archer, scorpion, merchant scale, virgin, lion, crab, twins and bull. It will be noted that the Earth precesses through the eras in the opposite order which they appear through the year. The Common Calendar, which is arbitrary and not in synch with the Star Calendar, was inaugurated by the Imperial Roman Senate in the West after the death of the archmage and Emperor Agustas and be in common use in East and West alike. The first year of this calendar is the 87th year of the Pesqas zodaical era. Long stretches of time hight "ages" or "ages of man" though be not of equal length. The first age was set at 100.000BCE to 40.000BCE; the second age from 40.000BCE to 12.000BCE (sometimes called the First Flowering of Man); the third age from 12.000BCE to 5000BCE (sometimes hight the Age of Archaic Empires); the fourth age from 5000BCE to 1BCE (sometimes hight the Age of the Elder Kingdoms); and the current or fifth age from 1CE (sometimes called the Younger Days). A philosophy of the West that hight The Last Age holds that the fifth age will come to a bloody and violent and possibly cataclysmic end in the near future; for, they say, the length of the ages is shrinking at an alarmingly rapid rate. Last Age doomsayers proclaim that Men will be destroyed by Daine in a long series of terrible wars over the next few decades. Other doomsayers proclaim that, long after the Daine destroy Men, they in turn will be destroyed about four Star Ages from now, for they appeared some four ages ago; and that eight Star Ages from now the Elves too will be destroyed, for they appeared some eight ages ago. These philosphers have cleppt this philosophy the Theory of the Pond Ripple; for they hold that each race awakens, expands and grows to a maximum, then receeds and is ultimately destroyed. The year of this works publication, 1996 of the Common Calendar and of the fifth age of Man, be the 2083rd year of the zodiacal era of Pesqas in the Pwerncas Hipparchian Age in the Ninth Age of Stars, which hight Calior. The Ninth Age of Stars began 4183 years ago, when the Torras zodiacal era, the Nimbullas Hipparchian Age and the Xora Age of Stars passed away. *****
> Mike
Padraic. -- Gwerez dah, chee gwaz vaz, ha leal.


Michael Poxon <m.poxon@...>