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Re: IPA (Was: Re: Hello, I'm new too)

From:Marcus Smith <smithma@...>
Date:Sunday, October 22, 2000, 5:48
H. S. Teoh wrote:

>Me too. In fact, I even have a problem understanding what some IPA sounds >are... The laterals and trills completely elude me thus far (except for >the simplest laterals like the English l).
You are not alone. I've done all the compulsory phonetics of a linguist training to do field work on an undescribed language, and I still get lost over laterals and trills. I'm doing a Field Methods course (trains us how to do the actual field work) on Pima. I have found myself transcribing a tap (like the r in Spanish), an English l, an English r, and a retroflex l (combine English l and r and you've got the idea). 10 hours of work with our consultant and fifteen collaborating students later, we *think* that these are all the same sound. I was conservative, BTW -- one students transcribed this sound seven different ways. And some of these students intend to become professional phoneticists.
> Then there are the unvoiced >nasals, which I just can't figure out.
You just have to hear them.
> In general, though, consonants >cause me less grief than vowels... I just do not *get* the IPA vowel >system. It seems to make fine distinctions in what are allophones to me, >and not-fine-enough distinctions in what I consider heterophones.
You have to understand what IPA is designed for. It is not capable of giving very precise transcriptions of a sound. The symbols are only an approximation that can be used to show contrastive sounds. The more common two sounds are contrasted in the world's languages, the more likely they have a separate symbol. Less common sounds get marked by the complex diacritic system. I am a bit perplexed about your "allophone" comment though. IPA is supposed to be language independant. Whether or not something is an allophone in a particular language is completely irrelevant to the system: they are not allophones in all languages. =============================== Marcus Smith AIM: Anaakoot "When you lose a language, it's like dropping a bomb on a museum." -- Kenneth Hale ===============================