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Re: Wenedyk - Adjectives

From:Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>
Date:Friday, September 20, 2002, 10:43
 --- Toksyka wipra£a Icyk skrzypszy:

> >>>>>>>> > On the other hand, a form based on |curtus| would be attractive as > well, especially since the Polish word is |krótki|! > <<<<<<<< > > Nice inter-lingual pun!
The solution is actually quite simple: |brzew| will be "short in time", |krut| will be "short in size" (I've always been like that. When I can't choose between two options, I usually take both). By the way, where does the English word "short" come from? I presume it must be cognate to Du. "kort", Ge. "kurz", Fr. "court", Ru. "korotkij", etc., but if so, I'm seriously wondering how/why the /k/ could change to /sh/.
> Well, Romanian can offer you smth like |bàrbatului| which is G.-D. of > above ;-)
Hmmm. Perhaps I'll reconsider.
> >>>>>>>>>>> > this would become |wipra| in Wenedyk. The diminutive (admittedly > I'm not that far yet) would probably be something like |wipra£a|. > <<<<<<<<<<< > > Fits! But why diminutive suffix |-l/a| ?
One of the common Latin diminutives... But as I already wrote, I'm working on Wenedyk slowly and cautiously, and this one is still far beyond the stadium the language is in. But |wipra| just wouldn't do as a translation for "snakie". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Furthermore, you wrote:
> I know OE-based conlangs are not very inventive, but from my > Russian-L1 viewpoint it's exotic!
I thought your L1 was Ukrainian, Russian being your wife's L1? Anyway, for the same reason Latin-based conlangs are not very inventive. But Wenedyk is not meant to be either beautiful or original. It's just that I find it very interesting to work on it. However, I save my originality for Hattic and Askaic.
> >>>>>>>>>> > Now you have got me curious. Can you identify people as > 'surzhiki'/'surzhiks'? > <<<<<<<<<< > > No. That's just a name for the lang. Most of people speaking it > identify themselves as Ukrainians, as far as I can observe.
Is this a particulal Kievan phenomenon? I asked my girlfriend (who is from Lviv, as you might recall) if she has ever heard of it, and she said nope (to be more exact: "nie" :) )
> >>>>>>>>>> > What does it look like in contrast to its parent > languages. > <<<<<<<<<< > > Quite a mix. It's essentialy :-) Russian spoken with strong Ukrainian > accent and application of Ukrainian paradygms and link words.
Could it be considered some sort of a transitory dialect, maybe a hybrid? Or does it just mean that people can throw in Ukrainian idioms and expressions at will?
> Best wishes, > Yitzik
Wzajemnie, Jan ===== "Originality is the art of concealing your source." - Franklin P. Jones __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Everything you'll ever need on one web page from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts