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Re: Vocab #6

From:Philip Newton <philip.newton@...>
Date:Monday, May 6, 2002, 19:42
Verdurian. I'll mark those words which I created with an *asterisk to
show they're not canon.

On 3 May 02, at 15:20, Aidan Grey wrote:

> brought to you by C (for crafts) and B (for beads) and prep/post-positions. > > 1. bead (n).
*steklopula (<steklo "glass, the material" + pula "sphere")
> There are beads all over the place!
Eu steklopulî fsuda! Are beads everywhere!
> 2. thread (n)
> I have thread stuck in my teeth.
Fil zet aiochakne cel durin esë. Thread itself trapped between teeth my.
> 3. needle
> Ow! I sat on a needle!
Ásuru sur egula. I.sat onto needle.
> 4. sew (v)
> My sister sewed me to the chair.
Sädra esë et egulne ad feriorán. Sister my me sewed to chair.
> 5. bead (v)., put beads on something, make something with beads
fassec ab steklopulen make with beads
> He beaded a bunny with a knife. He's sick in the head.
Fashshe lapis ab steklopulen ab tranoshán. E malse im bemán. He.made rabbit with beads with knife. Is sick in head.
> 6. spill
> Dang! I spilled my beads into my coffee!
Krodhi! Shutnai steklopulem esë im caua esë! Damn! (<krof adhië = blood of the gods) I.spilled beads my into coffee my!
> 7. cut
> Cut the thread between this spot and that spot, please.
Traneneni so fil cel ci-chelán er ce-chelán Cut the thread between this=spot and that=spot.
> 8. shiny
> Those beads are shiny. I like shiny things.
Ce-steklopulî eu iluvî. Ditavai iluvem shozi. Those=beads are shiny. shiny things.
> 9. stitch (n)
(No idea)
> For this stitch, bring the thread through the bead, over the previous > bead, under the thread, and back through the bead again.
Pro fassec ci-(stitch), provenei so fil sa steklopula, ir izhedhä steklopula, hip fil, er on sa steklopula. To make this=stitch, guide the thread through bead, over previous bead, under thread, and again through bead. (Verdurian generally leaves out the definite article with locative prepositions.)
> 10. obsessive / obsessed with / obsessing about
*anrazum (< an "one" + razum "mind")
> Lately, I find my self obsessed with beads.
Ci-dënin tenao anrazum eta steklopulî. These=days I.have obsession concerning beads. Cheers, Philip -- Philip Newton <Philip.Newton@...>


Philip Newton <philip.newton@...>