En réponse à Luís Henrique <luisb@...>:
> Anyway, time to post about Banin phonetics. I use a transcription system
> that is perhaps better for people speaking Latin languages; their
> alphabet
> is different, of course, and does not include digraphs as below:
> Vowels:
> Banin trscrp English French
> a a in viendra stressed
> u in but un stressed, before n or m
Well, in French <un> is a single nasal vowel /9~/, so it doesn't correspond to
English u in but. What kind of sound are you trying to describe?
>...> n n in un postvocalic
n in <un> is not pronounced at all but the whole digraph <un> is used for the
nasal vowel /9~/. Do you mean by this description that a postvocalic n always
nasalises the previous vowel (as in European Portuguese IIRC)?
> p and b sound as pf and bv before u in some places.
Nice allophones!
>...> c and g sound as French /cr/ and /gr/ before a in some places.
Those ones are quite strange. Is there a reason why in some dialects c and g
sound like /cr/ and /gr/?
> As you will probably guess, it looks very much like Portuguese... must
> be
> some kind of sinchronicity, :-)
:) Indeed, I believe you :) . It's a little like the synchonicity that makes
Narbonósc orthography look between French and Portuguese :) .