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Re: Colored Scripts

From:Almaran Dungeonmaster <dungeonmaster@...>
Date:Tuesday, January 22, 2002, 7:26
David Peterson wrote:
> > In a message dated 01/19/02 11:47:59 PM, dungeonmaster@ALMARAN.NET writes: > > conlang class (the lucky bastard, getting paid to teach conlanging). >> > > <ahem> Paid?! Ha! I wish! No, no. This is a student-run class (I am a > student), and so it is my *privelege* to be able to teach the class.
Were I
> to even so much as utter the [mV] in the word "money", the sheer force of
> laughter that would ensue would knock me three centuries backward.
Oops... I just assumed that as a teacher of a class, you would be getting paid. So now it turns out you are being a volunteer worker... My respect for you has grown a little. Maarten