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Re: TRANS: Red Flowers

From:FFlores <fflores@...>
Date:Saturday, April 22, 2000, 16:37
yl-ruil <yl-ruil@...> wrote:

>In the sea of life, >We all swim. >Our dreams are >Like red flowers- >They keep passing by.
In Draseléq (disregarding syllable count, sorry): Gades rrosür Nógosut onsiár. Qek sian beseth sqa qail sìnth -- Qingentsel. Interlinear: AP = active participle GEN = genitive ITR = iterative LOC = locative PL = plural PSS = possessive rros.ür life.GEN sea.LOC Nógo-s.ut on.siár. swim.1p+ all.1p+ As you see, D. has a particle <on-> (it can also be a suffix) to emphasize totality in plural pronouns. Q.ek sia.n bes.eth be.3p 1p+.PSS dream.PL sqa qai.l sì -- like red.AP flower.PL ITR.pass.AP The iterative (which I used to call continuative, but yours is a better name) means 'time after time', 'each time', etc. I haven't used it much so far, so maybe there are other related usages; I've found it in a book title, _Qimpoldan Tüumar_ 'Ever-quoted Poetry' (an antology). [qim-pold- 'quote once and again and again, from the same source']. --Pablo Flores ... I cannot combine any characters that the divine Library has not foreseen, which in some of its secret tongues do not bear some terrible meaning. No-one can articulate a syllable not filled of caresses and fears; which is not, in some one of those languages, the powerful name of a god... Jorge Luis Borges, _The Library of Babel_