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Re: OT: The Geography Of A Discworld and the surrounding universe.

From:Joe <joe@...>
Date:Thursday, August 8, 2002, 14:37
----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Clark" <peter-clark@...>
To: <CONLANG@...>
Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2002 7:10 AM
Subject: Re: OT: The Geography Of A Discworld and the surrounding universe.

> Discworld? Do you mean a giant disk in space in orbit around a
star? I can't
> comment on the climate until I have a clearer image of what it is. Right
> I'm imagining a giant round disk, with one side perpetually facing the
> the other perpetually facing away. Please correct me.
No, I mean a giant disk in space with a small ball of flaming gas orbiting it. I'm trying to avoid saying how it came into being, I'm just describing how it is.
> > Next - Gravity: > > > > Gravity is caused not by the disc, but by the Gravitational Centre of
> > Universe. This decides what is up and what is down, and the Disc should > > orbit it . The Sun is not held in place by gravity as much as the
> > magnetic field. In winter, the Sun's magnetic field grows stronger, and
> > pushed away... > said that you were using real-world physics? Unless there
has been
> some serious changes in the understanding of gravity in the last couple of > years, this is way off... > Right now I am too confused to comment; if this were another
universe, with
> different physics rules, then sure, anything goes. But *here*, any object > exerts a gravitational pull; it's simply that the pull is weak unless you > start dealing with massive objects. You would need one heck of a magnetic > field to keep a stupendously large ball of flaming hydrogen and helium in > place; I can't even begin to imagine the energy required to produce such a > magnetic field by artificial means.
Not artificial...natural. And yes, it is a strong field. It gets weaker towards the edges. The world has Gravity, but it's just that the orbit would be extremely low.


Peter Clark <peter-clark@...>