Mathias dared to ask:
> Are there any Japanese conlangers ? I
> couldn't find any.
I have not been looking for conlangers. I myself am a conlanger only in spirit,
so to say, as I have only *thought* of making conlangs a long time ago. What I
*did* invent was a lot of scripts.
> I only met once a guy in Shikoku who dubbed
> himself 'the angel' and distributed pamphlets
> in the street describing the script he had
> invented for all languages in the world.
I can imagine that. I received a pamphlet once in my letterbox which actually
admitted being from Aum Shinrikyo
> And by the way could you tell us whether there
> is now a Japanese software for PC that doesn't
> require installing Japanese Windows and IME ?
A Japanese WHAT software? When I was in Germany, I used JWP for text processing
and of course a Japanese language plug-in for the web-browser, but all that is
of course not really convincing.
> Thanks a lot.
> Mathias
Dou itashimashite
See the original message at