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Re: English syllable structure

From:Pavel Iosad <pavel_iosad@...>
Date:Friday, December 14, 2001, 18:29
Ysgrifennodd Vasiliy Chernov:
> And that reminds me of a half-forgotten project of mine. A bunch of Soviet > hippies are brought to a parallel universe by their crazy guru > who pretends > to be an L1 speaker of English. The language they speak "there" is > originally the type of English one could learn in a countryside Soviet > school in the late 60's, then it develops into a kind of new creole.
LOL! I'm sure you've read "Poisk prednaznacheniya!" ("The Search for Predestination"): Vinter, vinter, vinter, Forest, forest, forest, Enimals, enimals, enimals, On ze midl of ze roud steys Ivan Susanin Nemetsko-fashistskaya gadina kams Van'-van', shou as ze vey tu ze moskov-siti! Ay dont knof ses Ivan Susanin Van'-van', vi shel gif yu meni rubls! Ay dont knof ses Ivan Susanin Van'-van', vi shel gif yu meni dolars! Ay dont knof ses Ivan Susanin Togda vi shel kil yu k chortovoy materi! Perxaps probabli! End zey kil xim. Ivan Susanin iz ze neishenel xiro of ze Sovyet Yunion. Read this transliteration (ignore the English spelling rules), and you'll get about the impression. Ivan Susanin is a peasant supposed to have led a Polish host into the swamps back in the 17th century "Nemetsko-fashistskaya gadina" is German-Fascist serpent "Togda" is then K Chortovoy Materi is To the Devil's Mother Hwyl, Pavel