>...> Van: grandsir <grandsir@...>
> Aan: Multiple recipients of list CONLANG <CONLANG@...>
> Onderwerp: Re: German Spelling Reform (fwd)
>...> By the way, a question for the Dutch of the list. How
> do you pronounce the -sch at the end of a word (like in historisch)? My
> handbook says it is pronounced /s/, but in a lesson it pronounces it
> /S/. And when you add a -e at an adjective which ends with -sch, how do
> you pronounce it? Still /s@/ (or /S@/), or /sx@/? (just some questions
> to improve my Dutch - still at the beginning -)
Well, I was quite convinced that it is always [s], as in [hIs'toris], but
thinking of it makes me doubt. For example, 'yiddisch' is pronounced
[yIdIS]. At this moment it is the only example I can come up with that is
pronounced as [S]. Maybe because it is borrowed from German?
With an -e it is pronounced [s@].
> > ____________________________________________________________________
> >
> > "Raw to the floor like reservoir dogs" - A.V. Helden
> > ____________________________________________________________________
> --
> Christophe Grandsire
> Philips Research Laboratories -- Building WB 145
> Prof. Holstlaan 4
> 5656 AA Eindhoven
> The Netherlands
> Phone: +31-40-27-45006
> E-mail: grandsir@natlab.research.philips.com