>From: Sylvia Sotomayor "<sylvia1@...>"
>Subject: A request from a non-conlanger
>So my closest friend who does IT and product development consulting and
>makes obscene amounts of money (when she's working), emailed me the
>following request:
>>Subject: Team name
>>I need a team name. What's bullshit in Kellinan' (or however you spell
>your language!) Or maybe in somebody else's language!
>idea after I think about it for awhile. In the meantime, I' thought I'd ask
>the list for suggestions. So, how to name a team after bullshit in your or
>any language?
NGL is ready for this one with its sex module and gender neutrality
bovakorho::-bullshit, cowshit.
bova is either a cow or a bull.
korho is excrement
mabovakorho is male-bovine-shit.
fabovakorho is female-bovine-shit.