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Re: A personal curiosity

From:Cian Ross <cian@...>
Date:Sunday, June 25, 2006, 21:21
On Fri, 2006-06-23 at 15:03 -0300, Israel Noletto wrote:
> Greetings everybody > A personal curiosity: > How do you say Jehovah's Witnesses in your conlangs?
The religions on the conworld where the Veldans "live" are utterly different from Terran religions, but if the Veldans ever were to encounter the JWs, a literal translation the name would be: Dyeho^vava Sweide^te:i or: Dyeho^vasi Sweide^te:i ...depending on whether the Veldans took the sounds of the end of the name Jehovah literally (and thus as a female name) or understood it to be a male name and wedged it thus into the language by changing it to an -as nominative. BTW, the agent from "see" (sweide-) just means "one who sees something," thus "witness." It does not carry the English connotation of "seer." (One might also find Sesweide^te:i, a past-time agent, if the witnessing were understood to be entirely in the past.) [^ = long vowel with the stress accent; : = unaccented long vowel; exact letter values are available on the "standard orthography" page linked from the URL in the signature] Cian Ross