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Re: It may pay off just yet

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 1, 2001, 21:18
> >So the question is, is there _any_ Arabic word resembling "bishara", and >what might it mean?
Well, i was looking at a page of masculine names in Arabic (to look up what 'id meant (festival), and i found these words: bashir - bringer of glad bashshar - bringer of many glad tidings bishr - joy bushr - joy, happiness
> >A couple other Arabic terms that might be suitable for Montreiano: habibi >'(my) beloved' found in lots of Kharjas; shukur 'Thank God, thanks be to >God' (that's the Indonesian form, original shukr or somesuch.)
Hmm, i like these words actually. Though with current sound change rules, habibi would sound funny: /awiwi/, though i think i can bend rules a bit and keep it mostly similar (thought i did think of changing intervocalic /B/ to /v/: /avivi/). Anyway, it would probably become âvivi (i really have to settle down the sound system......seriously :)). I do like shukur, and would probably borrow it as "xucúr" or maybe "xucór", depending which form i like best.