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Re: More changes in Montreiano

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Monday, December 18, 2000, 6:18
Barry Garcia wrote:
>>since most Romance langs. treat -íliV in other ways. E.g. alliu- garlic, >>It. aglio, Fr. aïl?, Sp. ajo (that may be irregular, but it would >>certainly >>be a necessary word
>Could /lj/ remain as /lj/, instead of going the way Spanish did?
Sí ¿cómo no? I've read that only later did ll become /lj/ in Castilian, and that explains why it
>didnt go the way of the /lj/ in words like alliu.>
My Spanish historical phonology is a little rusty too, but apparently the regular (Castilian) development was *...liV# > ...jV (old "j" = S or Z?)-- mejor < melior, ceja(s) < cilia, hijo < filiu-. That book you have probably goes into the matter better than I. That kinda leaves "familia" as odd person out-- learned? legalistic? religious? Portuguese has -lh- [lj], maybe Galician too-- or other border areas, so perhaps there's that dialectal influence in Montreiano? Gallegos tended to emigrate a lot too, and IIRC were not very highly regarded.