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Re: Pequeno (was Re: Pilovese in the Romance Language Family)

From:ROGER MILLS <rfmilly@...>
Date:Sunday, April 6, 2008, 17:10
Scotto Hlad wrote:
>Thanks for your help, all who replied. I like the "phantom" root "pikk" + >"innu" and have therefore derived the word "pichinh" [pik."inj]. I have >entered the following etymology: "obscure poss from pikk + innu" >
I'm sure I've seen "pikin" 'child' reported from either Papua-New Guinea pidgin/creole or perhaps from a Caribbean creole. Of course it's from the Portuguese, just like Engl. pickaninny (< pequeninho). Someone mentioned the failure of the k/k; to > s-- it's possible that nursery forms, like onomatopoeia, can be exempt from regular sound change. I've seen that excuse/reason used elsewhere.
>I have to admit that I have never enjoyed a conlang project as much as >this. >It is just flying off the keyboard like Regimonti did.
So did Prevli, for a while (~100 pages worth....) but I'm feeling bogged down at the moment.