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Re: Vocab #10a and b

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Wednesday, January 29, 2003, 22:56
> Vocab #10b in Kash (as was my previous post) > > 1, 10. her, his-- suffix -ni (also 'its, their; the'); to disambiguate
when necessary, the gendered nom. pronoun forms +ni are used: payoni 'his/her sarong' payo iyani 'his...' payo iyeni 'her...' The pl. cannot be disambiguated this way: payoçni 'their sarongs' payoç kaçutili nili 'their (lit. of those men) sarongs' payoç kandumili nili (of those women)... Especially needed in comparative constructions-- lavi yavital aloni ( ~alo ini) more he/she-tall from/than-ni (~from/than he/she(gen.) > iya lavi yavital alo iyeni 3/M....................3/F He is taller than she.
> 2. poor-- leçe (no money); of quality, muko 'bad', kundak leñ 'not very
good', traleñ 'un-good' and others. haveni niya yaleçe family-his very 3s-poor His family is very poor. yawurisa akurum re kundak leñ 3/write/past proposal REL not-very good. He wrote a (rather) poor paper.
> 3. sexual-- NEW onam, med. onanga(le); onami 'sexy'; añoman 'sex in genl.,
sexual practices in genl.'; taronam 'unsexual=asexual'; tronami 'unsexual, unsexy=not a turn-on'; ononam (vi) 'have sex, engage in (unspec.) sexual practice(s)', colloq. nonam, see also #9) pilami, yakena acangi onam. I think, he/she suffers disease sexual lopa ya, kandri naya onam? lopa that, what kind sexual "What sex is that lopa?" ará minonam! "Come on, let's have sex!"
> 4. origin-- casi
riyeni casiti? (more colloq. riyeni ratati?) from-where origin-your // from-where come-your "Where do you come from? casiti would be asking national origin; ratati also, but usu. implies "where were you before coming here" otama-sila yarunjasi ambendoye havemim gd.father-3 3s/caus/casi wealth family-our "Our great-great gf originated/founded/established our family fortune"
> 5. wise-- kayañu, compd of kaya 'know', hañu 'soul'
kaçe kayañu ta cakonam person-dat wise not accid-sexual "A wise man is not obsessed with sex."
> 6. cut-- lica, many derivs.
yalicamik petip 3/cut-little petip (~garlic) He/She minced the petip. ilicarak onolañi lopayi 3pl/cut-big testicle-pl-acc-poss lopa-gen "They cut off the lopa's testicles = They castrated the lopa"
> 7. active-- kayi-kayi (redup. of kayi 'alive'-- implies physical activity;
I don't yet know how to say e.g. "active in civic affairs")
> 8. among-- ri cini(ni) + noun, also means 'in the middle of'
> 9. service-- ambumit, irreg. form < umit 'use'
rianjuni ambumitni ri punandula karun, ne irumbitasa at-time service-her LOC palace duke, 3/dat 3pl/caus-need-past re yanonam yam analañi çamat CONJ 3-have-sex with child-pl-poss disgusting "During his/her (time of) service in the Duke's palace, he/she was required to have sex with his disgusting sons." ne ikaremsa ombi alo ambumitini uçoñi içinini 3/dat 3pl/reward-past becuase from service(gen)-her on-behalf nation(gen.) "He/She was rewarded for his/her service to the nation." Some people use powumit(+poss.) 'usefulness'-- such forms are nouns, but indeclinable


John Cowan <jcowan@...>