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Re: Daily translation 9/28/2000 - catching up

From:Jim Hopkins <espero9@...>
Date:Saturday, September 30, 2000, 21:02
"In quarelling about the shadow we often loose the substance."

In Duni:

"Ránti tadyári shéri tá tinotín, rayízhe tayamalyára tá ondín."

Literally: When we dispute about the shadows, often escapes the essence."

ránti - abverb [when]
tadyári - verb 3rd person active present plural [we argue, dispute]
shéri - preposition (requires Prepositional Case) [about]
tá - non-declinable definite article [the]
tinotín - noun, prepostional case plural [shadows]
rayízhe - adverb [often]
tayamalyára - verb 3rd person non-gendered singular [escapes] from
"tayamálya" [to escape]
tá - as above
ondín - noun nominative singular [essence]

NOTE:  [shadows] tinotín was translated in the plural so that it could rhyme
with ondín [essence]

Miarayáru ú tá Úchas tá Kamsáa gidánit ískem onyázha!
(I hope the Shirt Project will be a big success!)

Tá bredí Drún ukhóva sabutyára.
(The planet Drun greets you all.)
Jim H