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Re: USAGE: Pop, smearcase, kolaches

From:taliesin the storyteller <taliesin@...>
Date:Friday, December 10, 1999, 18:07
* Nik Taylor ( [991210 01:54]:
> Jeffrey Henning wrote: > > I didn't realize "supper" was dialectal, but now that I think about it my > > wife calls it "dinner" and I think of it as "supper", but when I look it up > > in the dictionary it doesn't have the meaning I thought it would: > > Speaking of dinner: when is dinner for y'all?
Hmm... dinner for me is the biggest meal of the day, unless I have a "normal" internal clock, then it's between 1600 and 1800 and the only hot meal of the day. Eventual restaurant-trips are later in the evening of course, but if it's a fast-food place it's just a hot meal, and if it's an expensive place where you're expected to look non-geek it's something rare and special... But usually, I simply eat "brinner", something, whether hot or cold, after I get up, and keep snacking away at something until I keel over around sunrise the next day... Get up at seven, *moi*? Oh, sure, seven in the evening, now I'm with you :) Daylight is bad for ya anyways, hurts the eyes... I've evolved (mutated? my skin seem greenish at times) to depend on monitor-glare :) My grandparents parents generation stood up with the sun, had dinner at 1200 and coffee/tea with cakes etc. at 1700, then went to bed as the sun set. *weird* people :) tal., with only one exam to go this semester, yay!