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Re: CHAT: Finally! My conlang is now up on the Web...

From:Yoon Ha Lee <yl112@...>
Date:Monday, October 9, 2000, 19:41
On Sun, 8 Oct 2000, Irina Rempt wrote:

> On Sat, 7 Oct 2000, Barry Garcia wrote: > > > Well, my pages on Saalangal have a simple geometric design for the back > > ground that is a few shades lighter than the rest of the background. It's > > noticeable, but gives a little visual interest. > > Isn't the content of the page interesting enough? Why do you need > more visual interest? I usually turn backgrounds off when I want to > seriously read something, because any background picture, even a > simple geometric design, distracts from the actual text. > > It's probably my age or my personality: I don't like background music > when I'm working either, because it draws attention to itself. I can > shut my ears quite effectively because I'm using different senses to > work, but when there are two visual things (text and background) > vying for attention it's harder to concentrate without getting a > headache.
I don't mind music or any sound stimulus while I'm doing anything *but* composing. I don't mind background images on webpages if the pages are well laid-out and readable (I've seen some pretty darn unreadable pattern/color combinations), but I *hate* slow-loading websites. Hate hate hate. And I dislike music on websites that loads automatically because I'd rather choose for myself, thankyouverymuch. All depends on the person, I guess. My own website is black text on white, with blue for emphasis (it's the safest color I can think of for the color-blind). Very few graphics--I've had people complain it looks too plain, and I'd love to fix that with a few more fast-loading black-on-white images, but don't have time to make them yet. I much prefer plain text to overwhelming and clashing colors, as well as poorly placed graphics, any day; I *have* seen websites that incorporate graphics well, but they're unfortunately in the minority. YHL