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Re: Comparison of philosophical languages

From:Muke Tever <mktvr@...>
Date:Friday, January 24, 2003, 12:32
From: "Andrew Nowicki" <andrew@...>
> MT> What I am trying to say is llynatu igo iwi ogelujj. > MT> Ila eba inylu icilu llogelujj ima iwa edo ufalu > MT> iwa odysy|| ili e ila edo inylu icilu igu igi ubi > MT> wo|lld y|| icy llicilujj ima iwa edo ufalu iwa > MT> odysy|| ili e ila edo inylu icilu igu igi ubi can y. > > Olide
If that is your opinion of beginners' attempts to use your language, it may not get far :x) If "ila ujude ygyde asy", that's only to be expected; you dont throw things out wholesale as "gibberish". I followed all your rules as best I understood them, although I had to invent "|| ili e ...y||" for a relative clause (perhaps "ili|| e ... y||" would have been better?--I dont have time at the moment to test whether the grammar of the phrase allows it). *Muke! --


Andrew Nowicki <andrew@...>