From: "Andrew Nowicki" <andrew@...>
> MT>
> This looks like Basic English vocabulary. It has
> "bamboo" and "tomato," but lacks abstract terms:
> anatomical part of a multicellular plant,
> anatomical part of a multicellular animal,
> recorder, detector.
The necessity of any of these words (dublex *or* ygyde) is debatable.
> AN> miracle, magic = ynacu = "noun religious technology"
> MT> That's awfully... vague. Especially for "miracle".
> MT> "Miracle" should be more like "ysonaci" = "noun
> MT> good religious manipulation". and "Magic" would
> MT> probably be better as "ynanine" = "noun religious
> MT> secret science".
> Wow! you can make compound Ygyde words!
The webpage is remarkable complete for a conlang in this respect.
> AN> god = ynapo = "noun religious parent"
> MT> Hmm, that sounds more like "godfather"/"godmother"...
> You are right! That is a tough one. Definition has to
> be broad enough to include all deities. What about:
> god = ynacuco = "noun religious technology expert"
Erff.... Maybe "ynacutu" = "noun religious technology manager".
Although I dont think Ygyde appears offhand to be able to express this *well* in
one word (as opposed to idiosyncratically). Even the English word has too
broad a reach and contradictory definitions when applied in different religions'
What I am trying to say is llynatu igo iwi ogelujj. Ila eba inylu icilu
llogelujj ima iwa edo ufalu iwa odysy|| ili e ila edo inylu icilu igu igi ubi
wo|lld y|| icy llicilujj ima iwa edo ufalu iwa odysy|| ili e ila edo inylu icilu
igu igi ubi can y.
> I do not like it. I will include it in the dictionary
> if you insist, but I think that old one is better:
> angel = ypinaja = "noun attractive religious craftsman"
But neither 'attractive' nor 'craftsman' are known to reliably apply to angels,
as far as I understand.