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Re: Comparison of philosophical languages

From:Daniel Andreasson Vpc-Work <daniel.andreasson@...>
Date:Tuesday, January 21, 2003, 17:14
I have an Ygybe vocab question concerning new technology.
(I'm trying to make this thread more on-topic.)

I just bought a portable mp3-player yesterday, and was wondering what that would
be called in Ygybe. It would
be cool to call it my "ylybyjobygylybe" or something.

How about ydazicuza? (noun small mobile technology
container) But I'm missing a word for "sound" or "audible".
A small mobile technology container could be LOADS of things.
Perhaps a word for "compressed music" should be in there
somewhere as well.

(Ydazicuza sounds like some evil Japanese figure you don't
want to meet in a dark alley... :)

Perhaps I can use something like "religious" or "sexual"
or "optical" instead? :P  (Yes, I'm very serious...)

In a conlangy, word-creating way, Ygyde is kinda fun to
use to put together words. I'm not encouraging him/you to talk auxlang politicks
and all that crappy and right
out wrong opinions you have on language. I'm encouraging you to talk about
conlanging. I'm not a supporter of Ygybe
in any way outside its artlang features. Very much the
opposite in fact.

Hmm. This post started out in a jokular manner and ended
up in me really wanting to know something. Gee.

Daniel Andreasson



Andrew Nowicki <andrew@...>
Peter Clark <peter-clark@...>Naming mp3 players and Yakuza was Re: Comparison of philosophical languages
Arthaey Angosii <arthaey@...>Naming mp3 players and Yakuza