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Re: Musical conlangs (was: Poetique)

From:Doug Dee <amateurlinguist@...>
Date:Friday, January 9, 2004, 0:41
In a message dated 1/8/2004 6:41:57 PM Eastern Standard Time,
elemtilas@YAHOO.COM writes:

>Well, you've lost me!
It seems I muffed that explanation badly. Let me try again: Suppose I see an English sentence printed without spaces between words. Why is it easy for me to resolve it correctly into words? Because if I mis-segment the sequence of letters, I get things that aren't English words. It would be hard to construct many reasonable English sentences that would be ambiguous in this way, but one example would be "Hithere." That could be either "Hi there" or "Hit here". However, such things are rare, because most sequences of letters do not constitute English words. Usually, I cannot possibly go wrong in segmenting, because there's only one way to do it that results in a string of legitimate English words. E.g, consider "Iwishihadanelephant." There is only one way to split that into English words: "I wish I had an elephant." There is no ambiguity. However, because there are only 7 notes in solresol, it is likely that almost every reasonably short sequence of notes actually is a solresol word (i.e., has actually been assigned a meaning in solresol). That is, given the sequence of notes "1632337", it is very likely that both "163 2337" and "16 323 37" (and other segmentations) do consist of actual solresol words. In order to decide which is correct, I would then have to consider the meanings of the words and decide which of the possible sentences was sensible. In English, I don't have to go that far. Generally, only one segmentation of a series of letters results in a series of real English words.
>Of course, I'm not sure why Solresol is >restricted to three note words either.
It isn't. I didn't mean to imply that it was. I just used 3-note sequences as an example. Doug


Costentin Cornomorus <elemtilas@...>
Ray Brown <ray.brown@...>