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Re: OT: Stillbirth, naming stuff (Was Re: What? the clean-shaven outnumber the bearded?...)

From:Mia Soderquist <all4thebetter@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 20, 2003, 18:27
--- Tristan McLeay <kesuari@...> wrote:
> Named after Marvin the Martian (Warner Bros.), > Marvin the Paranoid > Android (Hitchikers' Guide), or some other, less > interesting, Marvin? :) > (I hope you know the third answer isn't acceptible.
It's the second, although if I'd thought of it sooner, it might have been the first.
> If it needs a name, I'd give it one. If I had one > cat,[1] I probably
I can see that. It seems rather utilitarian to me. I think I see names as a sort of verbal ornament, as well as serving the function of distinguising one person (or thing) from another. I went to court and had my name changed some years ago because I simply hated the name my parents gave me. My old name was perfectly functional, but didn't suit me otherwise. A name is a thing in itself, to me, maybe, although not so closely identified with the named thing that it can't be changed whenever I feel like.
> [1] cats > dogs :P
I am a fan of small and fuzzy, myself. At the moment, we have only a guinea pig, which is named Hamster, but I usually refer to him as The Weeker, so called for the noise guinea pigs make when they want attention. (Weeeeek! Weeeeek!) I've had a number of gerbils, mice, rats, and even some sugar gliders (which are legal where I live, generally imported from Indonesia or bred captive here). I had the gliders for about 5 years when they got sick and died rapidly. I miss them. They are very sweet and devoted pets when they've bonded to you. Rodents have relatively short lifespans (1.5 to 3 years), so when I stopped breeding them, I eventually ran out of them, much to my husband's relief. ObConlang: My conlangs have a lot of words for unusual animals, pet and otherwise. Sugar glider is flisflis ['flIs flIs] in Alyador, for instance. Alyador (Míjador) is a project I have only recently come back to, and I think there are only about 10 animal words total. Two of those mean 'walrus' and 'sloth'. What was I thinking?!
> > My computers have names, but only because isidore[2] > and casoar look > better than and When > talking about them to > people, I call them 'my computer' or 'the family's > computer'. >
We have 3 working computers and one sitting behind me that I have been tinkering with for a few days. The three identify on the network as Marvin, Geraldine, and Nicro (which is my son's Internet alias). I can never keep the numbers sorted out in my mind. Maybe another reason I name all sorts things is because names are good memory hooks for me. Perhaps I am more likely to remember to water Edward than I am to water "that little plant with the pink leaves". I hadn't really thought about it, but I do seem to kill fewer houseplants through neglect since I started naming them.
> We have two chooks (=chickens, hens) and two cats. > The cats I refer to > by their names unless I can get away unambiguously > with a pronoun (one > being male/neutered (Bruno) and the other > female/neutered (Muffin)); > they're very different. Muffin sits around all day > and patiently waits > for someone to let her out but will let you know in > no uncertain terms > when she wants to be fed. Bruno bounces around all > day and squeaks[3] > when he wants to be let in/out/fed.
They're individuals that can be distinguished one from another, so they are nameable, perhaps?
>I don't use the chooks' names. In > fact, I don't even know what they are (they have > them though). As far as > I'm concerned, one chook is pretty much > interchangeable with the other, > so I wouldn't be bothered naming them.
I had a small flock of chickens for a while, in several different varieties, but I didn't name them. My relationship with them wasn't that close, and I mainly saw them as future food. None of them had a real personality to distinguish one from another. The neighbor's Jack Russel Terrier puppies came over and killed them all. It was unfortunate.
> > [3]: Bruno was found stray in early February either > last year or the > year before. He was at that stage slightly younger >
Ah, well, at least he was found and now he's got a home. This is a good thing. Pets are great, but they make lousy gifts, especially for kids. Mia. __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.


Tristan McLeay <kesuari@...>
Roger Mills <romilly@...>