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Re: Kioshu Conlang Compliments!

From:Florian Rivoal <florian.rivoal@...>
Date:Thursday, January 31, 2002, 15:35
I have something esle to say about anexes. But it is not the same kind of
theorie than last time. just about details.

You say
"sin" is "by"
"nik" is "to"

The problem I see is people will have to learn english before being able to
understand Kioshu. Why?
by or to are the knid of words which can have many diffent meanings.

he went by the house  (in front of/near)
he came by bus  (mean of transportation)
the mouse was eaten by the cat.  (agent in a passive sentence)
by the way,...  (idiomatic construction)

those "by" don't mean the same thing at all.

same for "to"

go to school.  (destination)
talk to me.  (hearer)
To me, ...
I want to go.

You should pay attention to this. Your language does not need to do it the
same way as english.
I do not mean you must have separates words for everything, but there is no
reason to have the same regroupments as english. You'd better list every
function, and then merge concepts that could go together into a kioshu anexe.

I think you should be especialy carefull with very polysemic english words

And It makes me think of phrasal verbs. Don't fall in the trick. Fall in is
not a phrasal verb. You really mean "fall" and you say that you fall "in"
something. It is not the case for "give up". You don't "give" anything, and
"up" does not indicate a direction.

To sum up the main idea of this mail. You should realy pay attention to
every words you translate from english, since if you go to fast, you might
not even notice that there is not necessarly a link between all their
meanings. Avoid literal translation.
