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Re: Sounds of Quenya?

From:Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
Date:Saturday, January 28, 2006, 21:42
On 1/28/06, Paul Bennett <paul-bennett@...> wrote:
> So, I think I'm getting a handle on the sounds of Quenya. Here's what I > understand. Please comment with corrections.
> ë /@/ finally, but trema is used for diaeresis elsewhere
That means "two dots is used for two dots elsewhere". :) And IIRC, it's not /@/ finally, it's /e/. The diaresis is there to remind English-speakers that it's not silent, as final E's so often are in English. I think a final *long* e just gets the accent mark, like a long vowel anywhere else, but a final *short* e gets the trema. But it's definitely not a schwa. In Galadriel's Lament, Namarië ends in a clear vowel.
> ry is troublesome to me since I can't grok /r_j/
I suggest trying to hear it in Japanese, which IIRC has a phonemic distinction between /r_j/ and /rj/. -- Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>


Paul Bennett <paul-bennett@...>
Tim May <butsuri@...>