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Re: Wenedyk numerals (was: Judajca)

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Thursday, August 22, 2002, 11:25
En réponse à Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>:

> > Indeed, it is perfectly regular, and their aren't that many deviations > from my > "Latin violation scheme". Maggelity? Strange, AFAICT it would be quite > easy to > pronounce for a Pole.
Which to an untrained French would be a good definition of "strange" indeed ;)))) . Luckily I'm not untrained ;))))) . I can pronounce them myself, without much trouble;
> a real > Venedian would probably think that I am a Venedian from abroad :)) >
A speaker of Maggel would consider me a madman or a god probably (only those two categories can pronounce Maggel without being part of their nation ;))) ).
> BTW The word "Maggelity" really ought to be lexicalized. Why don't you > submit > it to Oxford, Webster etc.? >
What are their criteria to accept new words? If they accept technical "slang", I may have a chance. If they wait until those words are of common use in more than a small community, it may be different ;)) . But I like the idea.
> Your fame will be eternal. > Cia gl/orza jery jetrzna. (l/ = Polish l with stroke) > [ts_jA gwoZa jErI jEtSnA] >
I can pronounce it too, although stumbling ;))) .
> > Okay, you asked for it! >
Sounds like a threat ;))) .
> 1 uden/una/unu [udEn], [unA], [unu]
Am I right to say that |uden| comes from Slavic? In which case is it used rather than the Romance forms?
> 2 dwo [dwO] > 3 trze [tSE]
Funny, the orthography keeps a connection with the Latin origin of the word which has disappeared in speech. It does often the same in French :))) .
> 4 kwaczór [kvAtSur] > 5 czyn'cz [tSIn_jtS] > 6 siecz [s_jEtS] > 7 siedem [s_jEdEm] > 8 os'ciem [Os_jts_jEm]
Do you manage to pronounce palatalised consonants in front of another consonant? That's next to impossible to me :((( . But I manage final palatalised ones :)) .
> 9 nów [nuf] > 10 dziecz [dz_jEtS] > 11 udzieczy [udz_jEtSI] or [udz_jEtS@] > 12 dwodzieczy [dwOdz_jEtSI] (sim.) > 13 trzedzieczy [tSEdz_jEtSI] > ... > 18 os'ciemdzieczy [Os_jts_jEmdz_jEtSI] > 19 nowdzieczy [nOvdz_jEtSI] > 20 wigic' [vigits_j] > 30 trzygic' [tSIgits_j] > 40 kwadraz^yc' [kwAdrAZIts_j] > 50 czyn'z^yc' [tSIn_jZIts_j] > 60 sieszaz^yc' [s_jESaZIts_j] > 70 siedmaz^yc' [s_jEdmaZIts_j] > 80 os'ciemz^yc' [Os_jts_EmZIts_j] > 90 nonaz^yc' [nOnaZIts_j] > 100 czat [tSAt] >
Is |czat| also a borrowing from Slavic langs? Or is is regularly derived from CENTUM?
> The higher numbers and the ordinals I'll omit here. This should be > sufficient > to give an impression. >
A good impression indeed! Nice work! Christophe. Take your life as a movie: do not let anybody else play the leading role.


Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>