li [caeruleancentaur] mi tulis la
>...> I happened upon the word "devoid" today. It seems to be an
> interesting adjective. While synonyms are "empty, vacant, etc." it
> must be used with "of" and cannot be used attributively or
> predicatively.
> ....
>...> How do you conlangers handle it in your conlangs?
Sasxsek has several ways, all indicating some type of absence. Which
one is used depends upon style and focus.
tarik = to be charming; to charm
non = zero; none; null
nan = emptiness; void
suffix: -in = -less
adv. ni = not
adj. ni = no; none
prep. nu = without
-i = (adj/adv suffix)
-e = -er (actor)
-o = ~ one (manifestation)
>...> He is a man devoid of charm.
lo tarikini ren.
he charm+less+{adj} person.
He is a charmless person.
lo ni tariki ren.
he not charm+{adj} person.
He is not a charming person.
lo ni tarik. / lo tarikin.
he not charm. / he charm+less.
He does not charm.
lo ni tarike.
he not charm+er.
He is not a charmer. / He is no charmer.
lo ni tariko.
he not charming+one.
He is not a charming one.
lo ren nu tarik.
he person without charm.
He is a person without charm.
lo hav ni tarik. / lo hav noni tarik.
he have no charm. / he have zero charm.
He has no charm.
dejnx nxtxr / Dana Nutter