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Re: Cyrillic Rokbeigalmki Transliterations

From:John Cowan <cowan@...>
Date:Thursday, November 29, 2001, 3:01
Frank George Valoczy scripsit:

> By my count there are at least a dozen characters in various non-Russian > Cyrillic alphabets that are not in Win-1251, and some aren't even in > UTF-8.
Cyrillic letters not in Unicode? Please let me know. I already know that the archaic letter IOTATED A is missing. If there are others, I can let the right people know so that there will be a proposal. -- John Cowan Please leave your values | Check your assumptions. In fact, at the front desk. | check your assumptions at the door. --sign in Paris hotel | --Miles Vorkosigan


Lars Henrik Mathiesen <thorinn@...>