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Re: THEORY : reverse clitization

From:Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>
Date:Saturday, August 23, 2003, 20:06
Quoting "Thomas R. Wier" <trwier@...>:

> Quoting Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>: > > > Just a terminological question that came up when thinking about the > English > > and Swedish genitives: > > > > When a particle becomes a clitic, we speak of "clitization". Would the > word > > also apply to an affix semidetaching to become a clitic (as these genitive > > markers have done), or is there another term for that? > > I don't know of a particular word for this; I suspect a newly > polysemous "cliticization" would be used. > > > While at it, are there terms for a clitic fully detaching to become an > > independent word, or attaching fully to become an affix? > > For the latter notion, yes: _grammaticalization_. For the former > (e.g. the recent development of "ex" for "former spouse"), I don't > believe there is a distinct word, but perhaps "degrammaticalization" > would do.
Thanks. Oh, and I see I managed to misspell "cliticization" twice in my original post. Oh, my ... Andreas