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Re: Láadan

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Saturday, November 30, 2002, 21:02
Peter Clark wrote:

>On Friday 29 November 2002 02:17 pm, Doug Dee wrote: >> Do you think any of the words Elgin created for Laadan filled a
>> gap? >> (If you don't have the grammar, there's a sample of Laadan words at >> >> >> > I printed out a copy and handed it to my wife, asking her to
comment on them.
>Her comments are below the word; "No" indicates that she doesn't feel the >word is needed or important, "Yes" indicates that it might be needed or >important, "Yes!" indicates her feeling that it would be very nice to have >such a lexical item. "-" means "neither here nor there, no opinion." I >removed words that already have English counterparts.
A few comments, not all serious...... Frankly I was not impressed with Elgins's list, but I suppose I'm not qualified, as a man (and a gay one-- the ultimate in Male Chauvinism??)..... (many snips)
>ashon love for one who is not related by blood but is heart-kin > No
What's wrong with plain old "love" or "affection"
>doóledosh pain or loss which comes as a relief because it brings to an end
>anticipation of its arrival > Yes!
Probably useful, but "relief" seems to cover it
> >doólelasholan alone at last, after putting up with tiresome people > Yes!
>éeme love for one neither liked nor respected > Yes
Could someone give an example? Surely love must include either likeing or respect.
>honáal the hours between midnight and dawn > No (She must have been an insomniac.)
Maybe, but you'd need 2 words depending on POV. 1) the quietest, most productive hours, provided you don't have to be up-n-at-em at 6AM, or 2) the dark night of the soul
>lewidan to be pregnant for the first time > -
Perhaps some natlang would distinguish this. Some Indonesian langs. have words for "female animal that has never borne young"
> >lirini an achievement that seems small to other, but means a lot to the >achiever > Yes!
Yes, but isn't it rather deprecatory (is that a word?)-- Case 1) A. This is my lirini! B) (thinks) Hmm, you reinvented the wheel...... Case 2) A. What a nice lirini for you (thinks: nyah, so what?)
>niná the one responsible > Yes
We have "culprit"
> >ninálh the one to blame > Yes
>radíidin non-holiday, a time allegedly a holiday but actually so much a
>because of work and preparations that it's a dreaded occasion; especially >when there are too many guests and none of them help > -
"Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner"........depending on POV
> >radodelh non-interface, a situation which has not one single point in
>on which to base interaction, often used of personal relationships > ?
How can there be a relationship if there are no points in common?
>rahéena non-heart-sibling; one so entirely incompatible with another that >there is no hope of ever achieving any kind of understanding or anything
>than a truce, and no hope of ever making such a one understand why (does
>mean "enemy") > Yes
Many gays would put many straight folks in this category......
> >rahom to non-teach; to deliberately fill students' minds with empty data or >false information > No
The Internet.
> >ralith to deliberately refrain from thinking about something, to wall if
>in one's mind by deliberate act > Yes
> >shol absence-of-pain > Yes!
"analgesia" or "anaesthesia"
> >wonewith to be socially dyslexic; uncomprehending of the social signals of >others > Yes!
"Clueless" Kash cakondrop 'deliberately obtuse' come close....
>wóo evidence morpheme indicating the speaker/writer's total lack of
>as to the validity of what is said or written > N
"I got this off a website....."
>--- >She did not feel that any of them filled a significant gap, but that she >could communicate the feelings or situations behind the terms with little >problem.


taliesin the storyteller <taliesin@...>
Muke Tever <mktvr@...>