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Re: Tutorial--Lesson 1

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Thursday, February 19, 2004, 17:22
Nicely done, but it _is_ overlong................

Takatunu wrote:
> Lesson 1 >
In Kash:
> Hello! Manomo 'I greet', provided you know the person. Colloq. manó:
> Good day! lendi lero lit. ' day' > Good morning to you! > Good morning to you Sir! > Good afternoon to you Lady!
One would not really say these in normal usage-- lendi lero is what one says to groups whom one sees regularly, and is rather formal (broadly speaking-- boss to employees, teacher to students, etc.)
> Good night, John!
OK-- lendi is used in a couple of idioms, lendi çeva 'bon voyage', lendi nahan 'bon appetit'-- and lendi çiru ~lendi çiçi lit. good sleep
> > Welcome to you my friend!
makota/mavele rapinda, kambrami 'I say/I give welcome, friend-my' There are many words for friend, depending on the closeness of the relationship. This sounds stilted-- it would be customary to say ...rapinda ri {wherever} ....
> Hello, my friend! manomo + whatever appropriate word for friend.
Good-bye is formally "endo kitikas" 'may we(2) see [viz. each other]'. It can be shortened to "engitikas", "kitikas", "kitík" or even "tití: "
> Goodbye, Mum! (Mum is leaving)
(any of the above, but prob. not tití:) + inde(mi) 'mother-my) or a diminutive teci, tete
> Goodbye, Dad! (Dad is staying behind)
ditto + amami 'father-my' or a dim. maci, mambi
> How are you, brother/sister?
e, kaña(-kaña)ti + one of the many affect. terms for brother/sister (as in Engl. this is not asking after the person's actual physical state)
> Very well, thank you, brother/sister!
e, lembopo..... hey, well-just or maybe tramukopo 'so-so, just OK, lit. not bad-just'
> > this taya, taye, tayu (m., f., n.)
that iya, iye, iyu
> to be (sb/sth) ale > what? kandri >what book? lani etengi 'which book?' > which pen? kangu lani? > this book etengi tayu > that pen kangu iyu > which one? lani? > this one tayu > that (other) one iyu, or maybe yu liya > > What is this? kandri tayu? > This is a book. tayu, etengi > What is that? kandri itu? > That is a pen. itu, kangu > > pencil topet > window çumbuna > door findu > floor kanin > ceiling ninat > table laca > desk lacuri > computer celipin ~cipin > > yes hayi, emph. nakayi > no tayi, emph. nandayi > to be not ??? ta...ale > to do not ??? ta...mepu > > Is this a window? aka tayu çumbuna?
colloq. tayu, çumbunuka?
> Yes. This is a window. Hayi, yale çumbuna
> Is that a table? aka iyu laca? iyu, lacaka? > No. That is not a table. That is a bed.
Tayi, ta yale laca, yale eçangan
> > he, she, it iya. iye, iyu > who? kari > this/that person kaç tayu/iyu > Who is it? kari iya/iye? ~kari ya (short for kari yale?) > It is Rob. yale R. > Who is she? kari iye? > She is Ms. Smith. iye, lumbi S. ~yale lumbi S. > Is this person Mr. Smith? kaç tayu, aka sim. S.? > Yes. This is Mr. Smith. hayi, yale sim. S.
sim and lumbi are merely titles of respect for adults whom one doesn't know well; they don't distinguish married/unmarried.
> Is she Ms. Smith? iye, aka kanjetre sim S-i? = she, Q spouse sim S-gen. > No. Ms. Smith is that other person. Tayi, kanjetreni, iye liya. No, his
spouse, that(F.) other