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Re: A Self-segregating morphology (was: Guinea pigs invited)

From:Isaac Penzev <isaacp@...>
Date:Monday, December 19, 2005, 14:24

katab Henrik Theiling

> _kitab_ (pl. _kutub_) 'book'. (e.g. in Turkish, Suahili, ...).
To be more precise, _kita:b_ and _kutu:b_. The latter pattern CuCu:C is pretty popular in forming plurals (that are, strictly speaking, collectives), e.g. _dars_ > _duru:s_ 'lesson'. ObConlang: I used these ready lexemes in my now abandoned Arabo-Romance project "Ajami" in a Persian way, when the plural/collective gets additional meaning: _ketabo_ 'book' > _ketabos_ 'books' / _kotubo_ 'collection (of books)' _darso_ 'lesson' > _darsos_ 'lessons' / _doruso_ 'classes'. An interesting A.-R. hybrid _darseriya_ 'classroom'. -- Yitzik


Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>