Padraic Brown <pbrown@...> wrote:
> >>maybe _dulce de leche_ (Argentine creation, you have
> >>to try it!).
> OK. How do you make it? Is it something you buy off the shelf or is
> it made from scratch?
Off the shelf. I saw it being made once in a factory; put
about 2000 lts of milk in a giant round pot and heat and
move it around for several hours or days (?) until most
of the water has evaporated and the milk has turned a brown
and dense sticky mass. I think many countries (esp. in the
EU) refuse to import it because it contains ashes (unnoticeable
You can try if you want to -- I assume people must have made
it by hand somehow at some point in time!
> Speaking of festivities, did anyone attend la griteria last week?
What?? A shouting festival? ;)
--Pablo Flores