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Re: EAK prepositions

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 10, 2007, 9:03

R A Brown writes:
> Henrik Theiling wrote: >... > >>I have also been working on EAK verbs, but this has thrown up a few > >>problems. Those with any knowledge of the somewhat complex ancient > >>Greek verb system will, I'm sure, not be surprised. However, I hope > >>the first verb page will be on site within the next week. > > I think I faced similar problems in Terkunan, but had a lot of > > possibilities from Romance natlangs to choose analytical verb forms. > > Quite a few things have changed from Latin to modern Romance > > introducing analytical forms. > > The Romance languages managed to introduce a whole lot more irregular > present tenses! I remember years ago I wrote a Prolog parser for Latin > verbs. I was fairly straightforward. I then started to adapt it for > French - but never finished it!
Hehe. :-) Ok, I cheated a bit and just dropped the present tense verb endings. At least *spoken* French comes quite close to this. (I currently have an -a ending on verbs, but I am not sure it will be retained (it drops in front of vowels anyway).)
>... > > Have you decided whether totally regular agglutination would be > > acceptable? > > Um - I see, agglutination as opposed to inflexion? > > I am attempting to stick strictly to no _grammatical_ affixes, so I'm > not contemplating agglutination à la Esperanto or Volapük. Once > agglutination is accepted, things can get fiendishly > complicated. Volapük's verbal apparatus or all very regular and is > entirely agglutinative, but it ain't exactly easy.
Indeed. I suppose I decided that very few affixes are ok and will not result in long suffix chains. But even derivational affixes can produce long strings, once permitted: e.g. _posabretatz_ is already possible now: pos-abre-tat-z (ok, -z is grammatical). Purely isolating compounding might be hard and awkward for Latin or Greek-based langs, however. Dunno.
> > What about derivational affixes? > > To derive abstract nouns from verbs etc.? Yes, it will probably do > so. But that's for the future :)
I will be watching you! :-))) **Henrik