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Re: My first translation in Moten! Champagne for all!

From:Sally Caves <scaves@...>
Date:Thursday, June 3, 1999, 18:55
Chris Peters wrote:
> > This brings me an idea for another list project we all could work do. > I'm sure many/most of us have translated the Babel text into our own > languages. Just like Mr. Grandsire, the passage was actually my first > translation into Ricadh, and the one that I used to play with and formalize > the rules of Ricadh grammar. I'd sure like to see a collection of all of > your translations as well -- I think it would be handy, since I don't think > Jeffrey Henning updates his page that often, and I personally don't have a > web link to my language. What do the rest of y'all think?
I don't think Jeffrey Henning updates it at all! I've written him... I do believe that it was Nik Taylor who took over where Jeff left off. If you access his pages (and I can never remember his URL!--but I'm sure he'll remind us of it)--he's got a list of who did the Babel texts and links to their pages. BTW, I have my bright orange Teonaht Babel Text with illegally copied picture of one of the Aquarian Tarot cards at: Congratulations on your Ricadh version. I'll look again at that. Sally Caves