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Re: Second report on Koni'

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Thursday, March 27, 2003, 14:54
En réponse à Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>:

> > Hehe. Never thought of that myself, but I like the theory. > Of course there is a Standard Dutch (called ABN, "Algemeen Beschaafd > Nederlands"), but Christophe and I regularly disagree about its > interpretation. > ;)) >
> > I can't really be of any help here. I don't hear it, and my /v/ just > sounds > like /f/. If you would ask me, I would say tense-lax distinction has > nothing to > do with it.
The claim that there is a tense-lax distinction doesn't come from me, but from Irina Rempt :)) . And I was under the impression that her speech was pretty much "Standard Northern" ;)) . The only difference is that /v/ might be pronounced with
> slightly > more voicing than [f], which is voiceless, but with much less voicing > than [v]. >
Hence the IPA [v_0] that I used. Indeed I agree with you, but I do think that this "slightly more voicing" would be a consequence of the laxness, rather than the main feature (just like it's quite possible that the lowering of [I] compared to [i] is a consequence of the laxness rather than a main feature).
> > My impression (not that I know much about Ukrainian) is that [v\] could > be a > good candidate, indeed. But who am I? >
Jan van Steenbergen? ;))))
> On a sidenote, I have always been under the assumption that "Ukrainian" > is the > only legitimate spelling in English. However, I have seen a lot of > occurrences > lately of "Ukranian". Could someone tell me if that is a valid option, > too, and > if not, why do I see it so often? >
A quick Google showed about 112,000 hits for "Ukranian" and more than 2,150,000 for "Ukrainian". So I guess it's more a very common and repeated mistake than a true valid option. The American Heritage Dictionary and the OED only recognise "Ukrainian", for that matter, and another look with OneLook gives 16 online dictionaries with "Ukrainian", but only 9 with "Ukranian" (and all those 9 also have "Ukrainian"). Only one online dictionary gave "Ukranian" specifically as a variant of "Ukrainian", and another one gives them different parts of speech ("Ukranian" for the people, "Ukrainian" for the adjective of nationality and the name of the language). Christophe. It takes a straight mind to create a twisted conlang.


Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>
Joe <joe@...>
Isaac Penzev <isaacp@...>